Cell injury:
After smoking change occur by columnar ciliary epithelium to startified squamous is e.g of.

which of the following are catalase positive
a)S. aureus

Mycolic acid is present in cell wall of

all viruses are haploid except

which of the following is not non enveloped DNA virus
d)herpes virus

which organism remains latent in lumbar ganglia
c)vericella zoster
e)epstein baar

Your patient is a 20 year old man with a single, slowly expanding non painful scaly lesion on his chest for past 2 months. The lesion is nonpruitic, and he has a lost sensation at the site of th lesion. He is a recent immigrant from central America. An acid fast stain of a scraping of a lesion is positive, Which one of the following disease is he most likely to have..

a)cutaneous tuberculosis
b)fish tank granuloma
c)lepromatous leprosy
e)tuberculoid leprosy

A 22 year old male has a severe sore throat. Findings on physical examination include an inflammed throat, swollen cervical lymph nodes, and an enlarged spleen. Her heterophile aggutination test (Monospot test)  is positive.
what are the diagnoses of the following case. infection cause by.?
b)streptococcus pyogens
c)epstein barr virus
d)Herpes simple virus 1
e)a and b are correct

The pathogenic protozoon with extra-intestinal spread through blood is:
a) Giardia Lamblia
b) Entamoeba coli
c) Isasporabelli
d) Entamoeba histolytica

 Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites encyst in:
a) the wall of lower part of small intestine
b) the wall of the recto-sigmoid colon
c) the lumen of the colon
d) none of the above

Liver abscess is a known complication of infection with:
a) fasciola hepatica
b) giardia lamblia
c) schistosoma mansoni
d) entamoeba histolytica

Regarding toxoplasmosis in humans:
a) becomes active in immuno-compromised patients
b) acute infection could be transmitted from mother to fetus
c) associated with cats
d) is mainly diagnosed by serological tests
e) all of the above

 Toxoplasma gondii is transmitted to human by:
a) ingestion of soil contaminated by oocyst from cats
b) ingestion of cysts in undercooked meat
c) congenital transmission from mother with acute toxoplasmosis
d) organ transplant and blood transfusion (infected donor)
e) all of the above

 cryptosporidium multiplies in:
a) the lumen of small intestine
b) the brush border of epithelial lining of small intestine
c) the lumen of large intestine
d) non of the above

 oocyst of Toxoplasma is found in:
a) human tissue
b) the brain of chronic patients
c) faeces of infected cat
d) all of the above

 Giardia lamblia affects mainly:
a) upper small intestine
b) caecum
c) colon
d) rectum
e. stomach

 flask shaped ulcers in the colon are caused by:
a) Giardia lamblia
b) Acanthamoeba
c) Entamoeba histolytica
d) Naegleria fowleri
e) Toxocara canis

in trichomonas vaginalis infection:
a) is caused by protozoan parasite
b) the infective stage is the trophozoite
c) causes vaginal discharge in females
d) may infect males
e) all of the above

 Trichomonas vaginalis :
a) pseudopodia
b) cilia
c) flagella
d) none of the above

the following statements are correct regarding giardiasis :
a) transmitted by ingestion of cyst
b) affects mainly the upper small intestine
c) diagnosed by examination of stool or duodenal contents
d) most infections are asymptomatic
e) all are correct

infection with giardia lamblia is through:
a) ingestion of the trophozoite stage
b) ingestion of the cyst stage
c) ingestion of the egg

after ingestion of giardia lamblia, cyst hatching takes place in the :
a) stomach
b) lower part of small intestine
c) upper part of small intestine
d) colon

the parasite that results in symptoms of duodenitis is:
a) entamoeba coli
b) balantidium coli
c) entamoeba histolytica
d) giardia lamblia

 the protozoon causing dysenteric symptoms is :
a) balantidium coli
b) entamoeba coli
c) giardia lamblia
d) trichomonas hominis
g) entamoeba histolytica

the protozoon transmitted mainly by sexual contact is:
a) trichomonas hominis
b) dientamoeba fragilis
c) trichomonas vaginalis
d) retortamonas hominis

Trichomonas vaginalis may inhabit :
a) the small intestine
b) the large intestine
c) the prostate
d) none of the above

relapse in malaria is common in:
a) Plasmodium Falciprum
b) P. vivax
c) Malignant malaria
d) P. ovale
e) B and D

 there،¦s lymphadenopathy in the following infections except:
a) African trypanosomiasis
b) Toxoplasmosis
c) Schistosomiasis
d) Kala-azar

 dogs are sources of infection of which parasite
a) ascaris lumbrocoid
b) echinococus granulosus
c) leishmania donovani

 the following statements are true regarding plasmodium falciparum infection:
a) it causes malignant tertian infection
b) relapses occur every 3 months
c)it،¦s characterized by severe anemia
d) characteristically paroxysms occurs every 72 hours
e) A and C

splenomegaly is not caused by :
a) schistomiasis
b) malaria
c) ascariasis
d) Kala-azar

cerebral malaria is a known complication of infection with:
a) plasmodium falciparum
b) P. vivax
c) P. ovale
d) P. malariae

sporogony takes place in:
a) human blood
b) the liver cells
c) mosquitoes
d) other sites

malaria attacks (paroxysms) are caused by:
a) release of toxins from RBC
b) invasion of RBC by Merozoites
c) severe hemolytic anemia
d) all of the above

schizonts of malaria parasite are not seen in peripheral blood in:
a) P. vivax
b) P. falciparum
c) P. ovale
d) P. malariae

in Kala-azar the spleen is enlarged due to:
a) portal hypertension
b) bacterial infection
c) proliferation of reticular system
d) none of the above

 Stained smears from organ in Kala-azar show:
a)amastigote form
b) leptomonas form
c) epimastigote form
d) crithidia form

regarding visceral Leishmaniasis:
a) it causes enlargement of liver and spleen
b) is caused y leishmania tropica
c) characterized by fever
d) transmitted by direct contact with infected person
e) A and C

Nephrotic syndrome occurs more with :
a) Plasmodium vivax
b) P. Malariae
c) P. ovale
d) P. falciparum

Black water fever is due to:
a) blockage of capillaries to internal organs
b)rupture of infected and non infected RBC،¦s
c) hypoglycemia

plasmodium life cycle in female mosquito is named:
a) gametogony
b) schizogons
c) sporogony

in cutaneous leishmania the infective stage is:
a) leishmania form
b) amastigote form
c) Leptomonas form (promastigote)
d) None of the above.

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